Golf team continues journey

The golf team practices their swing.
February 16, 2023
The school does not have a golf course but it has a golf team. Practices and tournaments are carefully scheduled.
“We practice up on the field house on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, on Wednesdays and Thursdays we go to Ascarate Golf Course to practice,” Head golf coach Oscar Cordova said.
Golf is a year-round sport and the team does whatever it takes.
“Since it’s year-long they have to stay committed to their grades and once they are focused on their grades then golf is easy,” Cordova said.
Playing in a year-round sport may sound difficult but not for the team.
“It’s easy to keep up with golf by practicing every weekend, or hanging out with friends and going out to the golf course. It gives us more detail about golf during our off times,” golf captain Gabriela Hernandez said.
With 25 students on the team, golf is a sport for everyone.
“Our girls varsity team has seven participants, boys varsity has 10 and our junior varsity has nine participants,” Cordova said.
The girls varsity team has amazing players who drive their way to victory.
“Our girls varsity team is playing phenomenal right now, they’ve taken 1st place and 2nd place in two of our tournaments this year, but many of them are placing right now,” Cordova said.
Both girls and boys varsity golf teams have 4 and 7 more tournaments ahead of them.
“I look forward to good things in district for both boys and girls teams,” Cordova said.