Star Wars the franchise re-awakens


Star Wars The Force Awakens out Dec 18, 2015

Jorge Miranda, Reporter

The seventh Star Wars episode is near with a Dec.18, release date. Along with the anticipation there is a whole new installment of characters, action, story, effects as well as new set of cinema regulations due to past theater incidents.

As news for the new Star Wars movie pours out fans gather around desperately to get even the tiniest bit of information.

“This movie is extremely exciting for me. I’ve been a Star Wars fan for as long as I’ve even liked movies, it’s a part of me you know, it was the best part my childhood, ” KDVH audio visual editor Angel Gandara said.

Since the late 70s Star Wars has been a hit sensation amongst people internationally. And since then it has gone through many changes, one being that Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4.01 billion from Star Wars  creator George Lucas and all production rights went to Disney. Since Oct. 30, 2012 Disney promised all Star Wars fans they’d be getting a whole new set of Star Wars movies along with new merchandise and more. It has been 10 years since the last movie and the time has finally arrived. All are about to see if Disney will bring A New Hope to the franchise.

“I think the tickets are gonna be sold out for a pretty long time and it’s gonna be really difficult to buy tickets out of theaters, so I’m pretty sure they’re gonna do really well,” KDVH  audio visual editor Ceasar Mercado said.

Star Wars has among the most dedicated fans in cinema history who are more than willing to brand themselves as fans for life with things like tattoos, thousand dollar cosplay costumes, toys, books, and lifestyles. Theaters across the U.S. are issuing cinema regulations such as prohibiting audience members to wear full costumes that may conceal their identities in light of past theater tragedies.

“I think it’s safer considering what happened at a Dark Knight showing, the guy showed up with with a gun dressed like The Joker,” Mercado said.

Star Wars The Force Awakens is already making $6.5 million dollars off of domestic box office pre-sale tickets.

“I already have my tickets for the movie, they are already practically sold out everywhere. It’s near impossible at this point to get them. I think this is gonna be the biggest movie of the year,” senior Joshua Ortega said.