Businesses shun tattooed applicants


Tattoos are popular, 14 percent of Americans are inked. Tattoos have always been considered “trashy” and unprofessional, and it is hard to find a job for those with tattoos.

Despite a person’s ability to do the job, companies reject potential employees simply because they’re covered in tattoos. In a country that’s all about freedom, people shouldn’t be unemployed because of their appearance.

Businesses need to keep a clean image, and because of this rule many people who are inked have to pay to remove a tattoo, but may be unwilling to do so because tattoos have a meaning for them. Laser removal is not cheap either. It can go up to $100 for one session and can get expensive when it takes several sessions to remove the tattoo.

People should not be discriminated because of their appearance. In the land of the free it sure seems like people can’t express themselves freely without being judged.

Everyone has the right to look like they want to without being discriminated against by employers.