The forgotten holiday, Thanksgiving

Alyssa Venzor

Thanksgiving dinner with traditional sides such as mash potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, stuffing, and a bread roll ready to be enjoyed.

Alyssa Venzor, Editor in Chief

Thanksgiving starts at 7 a.m. Mom wakes me up to clean and start the cooking. It’s just the two of us who cook. The music comes on and the routine starts with getting the turkey and the ham ready. Jokes are the fun that starts before dinner. 

Quality time with loved ones is easily taken for granted and may seem as a chore rather than important. Yet Thanksgiving is the one holiday that devotes the entire day to family, gratitude and delicious food. 

Thanksgiving is a great holiday that must be celebrated extravagantly, but is often overshadowed by Halloween and Christmas. Thanksgiving shouldn’t pay the price as the least favorite holiday, it should be everyone’s favorite. 

Being thankful and showing gratitude is Thanksgiving. It takes dinner with family and turns it into a day for everyone to come together with appreciation. 

People even enjoy traditional activities on this holiday. Some of those traditions include cooking a certain recipe, playing football, or even telling each other why they are grateful for one another. 

Yet, this holiday is so easily overlooked. Everyone is excited about the candy and dressing up for Halloween. Then, Christmas decorations take over. Thanksgiving is easily forgotten between the frenzy of trick-or-treating and Christmas presents. 

Having a day that doesn’t involve anything but family and being grateful is sorely needed. 

Instead of overlooking this holiday and passing it off as a long day of cooking and seeing random family members, it should be praised and celebrated more so because of the good food and all the family support. 

Time with loved ones is something that doesn’t compare to treats or Christmas presents.