Plaza Palooza puts the ‘unity’ in ‘community’
Zack and Jesus have a round of bubble battle in support of JROTC’s fundraiser.
October 9, 2017
The drums bang, dancers dance and clear blue skies contrast against brighter than bright sunshine. The crowd is vibrant with laughter and cheer. High school may be defined by cliques and divisions, but on this day there are none; only community. Plaza Palooza is one of the first big events of the year and brings students together. The consensus is in: one family, one destiny.
Plaza Palooza introduces students to the school’s clubs and organizations. While some have been here as long as the school has, others are recent additions.
“It’s awesome to see the community and clubs get their names out,” softball student teacher Aubrey Nitschelm said.
As a student teacher, Nitschelm is here to gain experience for her future career in education.
“I’ve already had opportunities to meet so many friendly staff, I feel fortunate to be at a school with so many good things going on,” Nitschelm said.
Many students agree that Plaza Palooza brings the community together, but it also helps clubs gather funds and recruits.
“We’re trying to raise money to get fabrics and patterns. You can meet us in B206 if you want to join,” Fashion Club member Javier Ortiz said. “This is our first Plaza Palooza and it really brings us together. I’m very excited for this school year.”
There were 14 organizations attending, each offering either food or activities. Plaza Palooza has grown over the years.
“I’m so glad we got help from our seniors to set this up,” Class of 2018 member Stephanie Delgado said. “There are more clubs than last year. It’s a great turnout.”
Even people visiting to recruit and speak with students enjoy the school.
“This looks like a great opportunity for you to meet up and have a break,” U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant Tibuni said. “Yeah, I enjoy coming out to talk with students here.”
Plaza Palooza is one of the favorite events of the school year. With activities that range from dunking Principal Acuña in water with a lucky throw to tossing “bat-a-rangs” to win a soda, and food including nachos and ice cream, this is no surprise. The senior class seems especially excited.
“It’s really cool to have our own festival. I’m so proud, we have a wonderful outcome this year,” AWARE member Hannah Garcia said. “Of course I’m excited. We’re graduating this year. OFOD.”