Fire Tech offers new career pathway
Fire Tech club pays tribute to responders on 9/11 in the morning at the front of the school. Members include Jacqueline, Eduardo, Guerrero, Jeremiah, George, Arthur, Pedro, Kianna, Neftali, Carolyn, Damien, Amber, Isaac, and Fire Tech director Paul Solis.
October 5, 2017
In a new career technology program, Fire Tech, students wear dark navy uniforms and participate in unusual events. This program prepares students to deal with real life situations such as fires and disasters.
Being in Fire Tech includes competitions that test various skills. Students work as a team to achieve goals set by Fire Tech teacher Paul Solis. These students learn about Fire Departments, proper behavior and self esteem.
“It helps students with future careers, getting them to a higher place by training them physically and mentally, and teaching them respect,” Captain Neftali Fonseca said.
Like other programs a common goal is to gain something of value.
“The students learn respect, the basics of Fire Department, how to work in teams, how to have more leadership,” Fonseca said. “In the end we learn the skills, get to keep our uniforms which is really cool and if seniors wish, they can earn a patch for a Letterman’s jacket. Captains and lieutenants earn sashes and cords.”
Students can join, there are no tryouts.
“You could join but have to show (willingness to participate) and if you pass all your STAAR tests you can have Fire Tech for study skills,” Captain Arturo De La Rosa said.
Competition runs October through January. In December trials begin. Trials is a mini competition for Fire Tech to see if they will make it to UIL competition.
“We do Borderland and TPSA Challenge for competition,” De La Rosa said.
Fire Tech is a working group. Solis checks on his students progress. Captains and lieutenants take charge.
“Mr.Solis guides us and makes sure we figure the situation out ourselves,” Lieutenant Isaac Serrano said.
Students see the benefit of the program.
“Students drop out from last year, but join back again because that’s how promising the program is,” Serrano said.