Sophomore experience has ups, downs

Andres Manriquez, Reporter

Loud chants coming from the gym greet a sophomore as he walks in with his class. He heads to the sophomore section. As each class yells to win the Spirit Stick, sophomores yell louder than the freshmen but not as loud as the juniors and seniors. It is in this way that the sophomore year is marked.

“Sophomore year differs from freshman year by it just being a whole different experience within the high school grade levels,”  sophomore Christian Campos said.

Sophomore year can be a pivotal year.

“I do believe students throw away their sophomore year because they’ve already been through freshman year so they think they can do it all,” sophomore Jacob Mendoza said.

Students should always know great advice about what they are heading into.

“Freshmen, (in your) sophomore year really pay attention to the first semester because in the second semester the topics will count on the first semester’s work, so if you don’t pay attention you will be lost and confused,” sophomore Adam Puentes said.

Some say sophomore year is the worst year of the four years of high school.

“The sophomore year is often known as the worst high school year, but it can be different for you, you just have to make it the way you want and enjoy your sophomore year,”  sophomore Amanda Martinez said.

Teachers have their own assessments of the sophomore year.

“I honestly believe the sophomore year is much tougher than freshmen year” freshman teacher Martha Sandoval said.

High school can be an emotional roller coaster.

“Not just sophomore year but all of high school just like life, life is what you make of it so, not just sophomore year but high school is what you make of it.” sophomore teacher Rick Fette said.