New year brings more campus improvements
New wooden floor in the theater installed over Thanksgiving break.
February 3, 2016
The new year brought more improvements to the campus. Since last July, Principal Antonio Acuña has been making big modifications including new tile at the entrance, rockscaping and an updated garden.
“Having a good school makes more kids want to attend our school, so far we want to paint the exterior so when they see that, they already know this school is where they want to go. During the break we put blue flooring in the foyer to make it look better,” Acuña said.
Acuña has not only been working on the school, he is also sponsoring new activities and getting new equipment for sports.
“During March we shall be getting new turf for the football field and if you talk to coach Orlando Hairston. He can tell you what we should be getting for cross country and track, like new mats the pole vaulting. Athletes don’t need to be hitting the ground so hard,” Acuña said.
Students are noticing the changes.
“I’ve always wanted a better looking school because that makes other kids from different schools want to come here instead. When they made changes I was shocked and sad because I am graduating so I won’t be able to see more improvements coming to the school,” senior Leilani Fierro said.
Teachers are enjoying the changes being made to the school.
“When I first saw the campus at the beginning of the school year I was like wow! And when we came back for the holidays I was like oh my gosh. Mr. Acuña hasn’t been here for the whole year and he is already making great improvements on campus, it’s great and I love it,” English teacher Michelle Merritt said.