Schedule changes added to year’s confusion

All of the different schedules that were followed this year.

Illustrated by Alyssa Venzor

All of the different schedules that were followed this year.

Alyssa Venzor, Reporter

This year has been hard. Most school interactions have been conducted via screen time. And there have been so many adjustments, including multiple changes to the class schedule when less change makes more sense.

Due to the pandemic, school went virtual and while that change was strange it was also different. At the beginning, students attended all classes Monday through Thursday. On Fridays students would check into second period class for attendance and then, the day was over. The schedule was different but at the time it worked. Students were able to catch up or rest on Friday, allowing them more freedom.

When the second nine weeks started, the schedule was revised again. Students began to attend half of their classes on Fridays. Students went to their morning classes one Friday. Then the following week, on the next Friday, students would attend the afternoon classes. On top of that, whatever classes students did not go to during the day, they would have to do a quick attendance assignment, to ensure their presence at school. In the beginning, the change was strange and left many students confused as to which classes to attend on which Fridays.

Schedule changes didn’t stop there, after spring break school was back to Monday through Friday, adding another long day behind a screen. The shifting schedules added to the workload and confusion. The school year felt like being on a roller coaster after eating four hot dogs from the sketchy vendor next door. It was hard to keep up with the array of changes. Dealing with COVID-19 and starting the school year entirely remote was difficult. The schedule changes did not make the experience any better. 

Adjusting schedules and expectations for school over and over again took a toll on students, teachers and staff. After virtual learning at home for the year, screen time is way up. According to, the average person spends about four-and-a-half hours of personal time on their devices. Since 2020 that rate has only increased due to virtual learning. Having to sit in front of a screen eight hours a day, five days a week is exhausting. Students spend an average amount of three to five hours on homework alone, according to That adds up to anywhere from 11 to 13 hours of screen time for school. Throughout all the the schedule changes, administrators were busy trying to make this year somewhat similar to previous years. But this year is nothing like a regular school year. With everything from a worldwide pandemic to schooling through a screen, teachers have tried to accommodate. 

Adjusting over and over again makes people tired and confused. Administrators, teachers, and staff shifted with the schedules multiple times too. With no negative feedback, The district has adjusted the schedule for the last time. For this school the week now consists of an hour lunch on Mondays and Fridays. In between that, the days follow the regular bell schedule. Since this year was so different it’s no wonder why there were so many adjustments in the schedules. But so many changes were unnecessary and added to the chaos that was this year.