Businesses open to full capacity, masks no longer mandatory
Businesses fully opened, masks still required.
May 17, 2021
COVID-19 introduced people to mask wearing, virtual school and closed down businesses. . One year later the state governor, Gregg Abbot, lifted the mask mandate March 2, and allowed businesses to open 100 percent. However, people remain skeptical of the state´s decision.
Some places in Texas are still requiring masks such as grocery stores, restaurants, and retail stores despite Governor Abbott’s decree. Schools are taking a cautious approach with many still requiring masks.
¨We will continue to require anyone in our schools or visiting our schools to wear a mask,¨ principal Antonio Acuña said.
Although Governor Abbott allowed businesses to open up there are places that have yet to open to full capacity, including schools.
“We are evaluating data daily and talking to health experts. But if we do open 100 percent, it will not happen until the new school year,” Acuña said.
Many believe it is not time to start lifting mask mandates or opening up businesses. Some believe that COVID cases will spike again with employees getting the virus now that public places are at full capacity.
¨I don’t think this is appropriate at this moment. Maybe in the future but not right now, not anytime soon. We are doing fine wearing the mask and I don’t understand why we try to rush things that we are unsure of. If wearing a mask is helping with any type of sickness, not just covid, we should continue to wear our mask,¨ health teacher Erick Rodriguez said.
There are some that agree with the governor.
¨I think we need to open everything but the public should still have to wear masks and follow all the CDC guidelines,¨ health teacher Martha Hernandez said.
A year ago COVID-19 made everyone wear a mask and businesses closed for everyone, now Texas has opened everything to 100 percent and masks are not mandatory.