Teachers go from IRL to online school
Pre-K teacher Libby Garcia is excited to hold a Google Meets to see her kids again in her at home virtual classroom.
May 4, 2020
School is back in session but not like it used to be. Covid-19 coronavirus has taken a hold of the community. Quarantine orders issued by the city and the state closed school and many work buildings not deemed essential.
“I am trying my best to keep in contact with my kids and making sure they are still working but I really just want to go back to work and see my kids,” Pre-K teacher Libby Garcia said.
Teachers like Garcia prefer the actual classroom instead of online classes. For many it is their first time using these appendages as a new platform for learning.
“I was aware of Google Classroom but I had never used it in my class like other teachers, so I adjusted to it by asking other teachers who have worked a lot with this technology and it has helped me understand the ways of Google Classroom,” English teacher Richard Sanchez said.
Teachers understood how these online tools work but have only seen them as a useful tool to use in their classroom. They never thought it would become the main platform for learning.
“It has been an interesting transition, parts of it felt familiar but in other ways there was a challenge in adjusting to online learning. There was a learning curve for students and teachers, but despite this both groups have been able to make the most out of it and adapt,” U.S. History Manuel Delgadillo said