Community unites for #El Paso Strong
#ElPasoStrong poster displayed during a football game.
October 14, 2019
The shooting in El Paso on August 3, will forever mark the history of the city, once considered one of the safest in the U.S. In support of #ElPasoStrong the theater, student council and Class of 2023 made posters, shirts and fundraisers for the families of the people who lost their lives.
Student council pays tribute with a poster that is hung in the commons.
“We made it to create awareness and show that Del Valle is #ElPasoStrong,” student council member Julian Martinez said.
The Class of 2023 ordered #ElPasoStrong shirts that can be purchased by faculty and staff.
“We wanted to have an #ElPasoStrong shirt that emphasized our community within the community, something to highlight ‘One Family, One Destiny’ in a time when family and community need to come together most,” Class of 2023 sponsor Amanda Vandenburg said.
The shirts were available for faculty and staff.
“We are taking orders until Friday, Sept. 27 and a portion of the profits is going to the families,” Vandenburg said .
The theater program took donations in the San Jacinto Plaza. All of the donations were given to the families.
“We love performing in front of people, and when we found out we could do it for a good cause we were all in,” theater member Jerry Miranda said.
All of the theater students went and performed for donations.
“We made around $400, the money was all donated to the families of the victims of the shooting,” Miranda said. “ A lady even handed us 500 pesos. It was pretty cool.”