Smash Bros. offers smashing new Nintendo game

Illustration By Ruben Trejo


When most people think of Nintendo they think of Mario and Pokemon. While these franchises have been very successful, none are more unique than the Super Smash Bros. series. Now in its fourth installment the series is better than ever and has gamers glued to their seats in this multiplayer 3-D fighter game.

Released Nov. 21 the game received critical acclaim and commercial success in the first three months of its release. Not only does the game include new features and characters, players are allowed to use their own created characters on the Wii U, often known as “Miis”, to join in on the battle. The introduction of eight-player combat truly enhances the gaming experience.

As of Jan. 28, the game sold over 6.19 million copies worldwide. While the Wii U has been a disappointment to gamers Smash Bros. is definitely worth the buy. The game plays well and the series improves with each installment. Along with the Nintendo 3DS version of the game, Smashers can duke it out in battle playing as their favorite Nintendo characters while having an awesome time doing it.