Fun-sized rabbit play coming to theater
Theater teacher Maris Thurman Vasquez selected Harvey, a play that takes place in the 1940s,written by Mary Chase, to be performed March 24 on 1 p.m. at Eastlake high school.
“The people in this act are some of the best I have seen and I believe they have what it takes (to perform well),” Drama club member Danielle Medina said.
After the death of his mother, Elwood P. Dowd is given everything the mother owns according to her will. Spoiler Alert: Veta Simmons the sister of Elwood who didn’t get her mother’s inheritance tries to isolate Elwood from important people in the community so Elwood doesn’t introduce them to his imaginary Pooka (rabbit) friend Harvey. She tries to have him committed to an asylum. Myrtle Mae Simmons the daughter of Veta is jealous and wants a life that she can’t have because of Elwood’s gain.
“I expect the actors to create believable characters that they can be proud of. I am excited about this play and can’t wait to see how it all turns out,” Thurman said.
People who regularly attend the school plays can’t wait to see it.
“I’m having so much fun being able to work with a bunch of extremely talented people in this year’s play,” actor Diana Gutierrez (Mrs.Chauvenet) said.