Unique requirements for dance tryouts
April 18, 2017
Dance tryouts are different and unique, not like any other. The application packets show that expectations are high for a dancer and once already a dancer, Dance team tryouts for Entrelace, Conquerettes and Fuego were held March 22 – April 7.
In order to be allowed to tryout students must be in good standing. Students will not be allowed to tryout if they have tardies, absences, disruptive behavior or don’t turn in required work. Dancers must be and stay eligible with high grades throughout the year.
“I really enjoyed the process of tryouts mainly because it’s very different than tryouts for a sport,”sophomore Victoria Aranda said.
Dance tryouts are open to all students.
“It didn’t really matter to me that I was the only guy trying out for Conquerettes, I only focused on myself just as long as I tried and gave it my all,” junior Ozman Ochoa said.
About 50 students tried out but there are so many positions are available
“I would like 20 to 30 dancers, after tryouts there will be a mandatory meeting April 11. They will be fitted for dance attire and dancers will receive a contract and they start their payment of $100,” coach Melissa Dominguez said.
Confidence is a major factor for tryouts.
“Going into tryouts you have to think positive and give it all you got.or else nervousness will take over and you won’t perform the way you wanted,” sophomore Haley Ramirez said.
It takes commitment to join the team.
“The prices are all very different, for Entrelace the approximate price will be $440, and the total price to be a Conquerette the price will be $374.44, of course it’s very expensive but for all the equipment and gear dancers will be getting it really isn’t much,” coach Gloria Tovar said.