A Christmas Story


illustrated by Cleveland Play House

Tristin Tuialuuluu, Reporter

This fun-filled, hysterical movie showcases an Indiana family during the holiday season in the 40s. The movie has a lot of small laugh-out-loud moments that will have even the most humorless person rolling on the floor gasping for air.

This film took the world by storm back in 1983 and was directed by Bob Clark. It is still making people laugh 33 years later.

Ralphie (Peter Billingsley), spends his day at home with his family just relaxing. When he is not at home he is with his brother Randy (Ian Patrella), dodging the neighborhood bully Scut Farkus (Zack Ward), while  dreaming of a BB gun from Santa Claus. Because of his youth and recklessness his parents question whether he deserves one and always tell him “You’ll shoot your eye out kid.”  Ralphie goes through the entire  holiday season hoping and praying for a Red Ryder BB gun, the entire movie revolves around hilarious scenarios involving the desired toy.

This film is highly recommended to anyone who is looking fun-filled movie night. It has become an enjoyable  holiday classic through the generations.