Valentine’s Day Expectations


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Valentine’s Day has been celebrated since the 5th century. People celebrate it by showing love and affection to their loved ones, by giving and receiving gifts and letters.
Couples find Valentine’s Day exciting because they know that they may receive a gift on that special day.
“I hope to receive something,” sophomore Ylian Cota said. “I would like a surprise, because I like surprises.”
This day is always full of love and has a high cute factor. It is the day where couples express their feelings more than on any other day.
“I feel so blessed to have my girlfriend next to me, because she has been making me smile and I feel like a king to her queen.  Also, because we play around like little kids, we tell each other things like best friends, and love each other like we were married,” junior Luis Hernandez said.
Often single persons don’t enjoy the day too much since they don’t have any one to spend it with.
“I don’t like Valentine’s Day, because nobody loves me,” sophomore Alexis Martinez said. Others seem to enjoy it, and find a way to have fun that day with someone.
“My plans for Valentine’s Day are to play my soccer game at school, and go out,” junior Valeria Carlos said.
Although everyone has different opinions about Valentine’s Day, many celebrate it with or without a loved one.
“I would describe Valentine’s Day as passionate and romantic,” Hernandez said.
Every Valentine’s Day, people give and receive gifts, but most importantly they show their feelings towards someone. Love doesn’t make the world go round; Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
“I would describe it as a day where mostly everyone shows their love,” Carlos said.